Saturday 2 January 2021

Jan 3, 2021 - It's Raining Certificates

New year, new me. Not really. Still hated getting up in the morning. It is a little earlier than I would have preferred to wake up.

Anyhow, I went on LinkedIn and made a general observation. Every third person I know, who's active on LinkedIn, is busy learning online. Wharton Online, Coursera, Udemy, Harvard Online, AWS, PMP, Python etc. Wait, I almost forgot Scrum. I personally believe that everyone should learn lifelong. Tom Kuegler, a blogger I follow, very aptly says. "Your brain is a factory, not a warehouse." We need to feed it with good knowledge so that it can in turn be productive for us.

I'm not sure what the intention is for all my fellow connections who are chasing certificates; being more employment worthy, the next promotion, actual knowledge gain, passion, a side project, prestige, a mandate from their employer etc. Irrespective of the reason, truth is, it's no mean feat to study as an adult, let alone complete the course, pass the final exam and pay for it. So I clap my hands. Congratulations all.


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